WIW: a short week and a cold spell

I had quite a full weekend - nice but full of activities - so did not have much time for the forum. I want to post my weekly outfits but words fail me now so this is going to be a post which heavier on the pictures than on words :-)
pic 1 The weather turned to cold so I was happy to wear a trench over a sweatshirt. I kept in neutral with faded blue, grey and white. Other than Gap jeans everything else is at least 1 year old. Worn to work.

pic 2 Back to colors! I am feeling my scarves again after almost 2 years of hiatus (as you can see this week). The first wear of my new nude flats from Hush Puppies which work surprisingly well for my high volume feet and wider toe box. Other than the shoes everything else is several seasons old here. 

Worn to work.

pic 3 Still cold so another trench day (although it warmed up in the afternoon enough to ditch it). This was inspired by an older Angie's ensemble of peach, brown and navy.Other than brown loafers everything else is at least a year old. 

Worn to work.

pic 4 Saturday Social Dance Gala at our Dance club. I decided to wear my black jumpsuit once more as it is the most Gala-appropriate piece I have. Even though I wore it to a Gala in December and this is the same crowd I think it was too far back and with too many dances with other outfits between them to be safe :-) However I changed the topper from faux fur capelet to a white jacket to feel more summery and the bag from  a black beaded number to a graphic white and black clutch to match the graphic white and black outfit. Bonus pic 5 of my hubby and me dancing (you can see how totally beginners we are) :-)

Thank you for looking and as always all comments and suggestions are appreciated!

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  • Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago

    A great week! I am absolutely loving the warm rich colours of #2 on you, which kind of surprises me.

    You look great in the action shot!

  • Karie replied 9 years ago

    All of these outfits are gorgeous! Looks like you and DH had a great time dancing.

  • Jaime replied 9 years ago

    More gorgeous outfits! I love the dress on you in #2 and the light colors in #3 but the picture of you and your husband dancing definitely is the favorite here!

  • Karin L H replied 9 years ago

    Great looks Sveta! Love them all, but that dress in #2 is so amazing!! Love love love.

  • Runcarla replied 9 years ago

    A good week. Lovely photo venue! #5 is my favourite - big love for the sparkly dancing shoes.

  • Caro in Oz replied 9 years ago

    Fab outfits - I LOVE the one of you & hubby :) Are they the shoes you dyed?

  • SarahTheWhite replied 9 years ago

    As always, I love all of your outfits! You always look so creative and put together! I also love the dancing photo. You both look wonderful! :-) Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    HOW CUTE ARE YOU AND HUBS IN #5. WOOOOHOOOO. That one steals the show, Sveta. How can it not.

    We had a cold spell here too - NOT impressed. But you look wonderful like you always do. Super fun to see you in a frock with flats. I vote #2 my killer fave of the bunch. 

  • jackiec replied 9 years ago

    Wow Sveta, fantastic all around. I love the neutrals in #3, and your new nude flats in #2. Thanks for sharing your dancing photo - so fun!!!

  • frannieb replied 9 years ago

    Great outfits for the week and we also have had a recent cold spell.

    Love your style and thanks for sharing the pic of you and hubby dancing

  • Suz replied 9 years ago

    Gorgeous, Sveta! I LOVE your dancing photo! And wow, that Zara jacket is so great. Nice to see it pop out. 

    I, too, have been wearing my scarves more...interesting...we are Angie influenced, I suspect? But also it is good in transitional weather. 

  • celia replied 9 years ago

    Yay, so many gorgeous outfits. I didn't remember the jumpsuit, it is fabulous!!
    Thank you for sharing your dancing picture.You look lovely together.

  • Sveta replied 9 years ago

    Thank you ladies! I had an inkling you will like #5 :-)
    Elizabeth, actually the dress is blue-red so not really warm color...but the scraf with the yellow gold is.
    Caro - yes, these are nude Fidji shoes I dyed into platinum last December. It is amazing how just a change of color made them better suited for the occasions even though the shape still remains casual.
    Angie, I have sworn from wearing high vamped shoes with midi skirts as I just do nhot feel fab in this combination. However I find that pointy toe lower vamp flats work much better - so glad I have 2 pairs of those for the season!
    Suz, I still love this white Zara jacket as much as I did last year. I was not sure if it is dressy enough to wear with the jumpsuit but I think it worked.
    As for the scarves - I think I am getting tired from too minimalist approach I had for the last 2-3 years. Still off necklaces though but scarves are slowly getting back in.

  • replied 9 years ago

    Very sharp outfit in #4 and #5! The top looks like it fits like a glove and I love the white jacket.

  • abc replied 9 years ago

    #5!  #5!  #5!  What a fun picture!  I know you love dancing, so glad you shared a pic with us.

    The outfits are great, you are one tall drink of water, Sveta.  Looking fab.  I haven't pulled out many scarves in a long time but wore one the other day and am going to do it more often as well.  Great minds think alike :)

    Good to see you again!

  • Sara L. replied 9 years ago

    I love your scarves.  I've never been particularly minimalist and almost always wear a scarf or necklace.  I'm glad to see some of the forum members wearing scarves again since I get inspiration from other members.  I think the colors of the scarf with the maroon dress are so rich and beautiful.  The dancing picture is great and I can't tell that you are beginners. 

  • texstyle replied 9 years ago

    #5 steals the show for me - so FUN, thanks for sharing. I think you had a great week of fashion too.

  • Sveta replied 9 years ago

    smittie, the top in #5 fits like a glove because it is a jumpsuit so no untucking or riding up :-)
    abc, nice to know I am not only one for scarf redemption!
    Sara L. - here you go, we will be catching up with you with the scarves now :-)
    texstyle - thanks!

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