2 year anniversary and some musings...

It has been 2 years since I found YLF in May of 2010 - seems like ages ago! I was hooked immediately on Angie's down to earth posts on style and fashion and I think I read the majority of blog archives in a week. I still remember that sense of discovery that you can have fun with fashion at any age and size - that was a completely new idea for me but oh how compelling!
Then came more specific realizations:
- I can wear skinnies even though I am not a slim rectangle;
- I can wear hems a couple of inches above the knee and it still looks age appropriate - it was something I have not done since my early 20s
- I can surrender the waist and not look like a sack of potatoes if I get all details right
Every day I was discovering more and more treasures on the blog:
- brilliant MOTG formulas;
- recipes how to wear a particular style in a flattering and current way
- body type guidelines...
Boy, I never knew that it is possible to have fun with fashion for the first time in your life when you are of a mature age over 40s. It was so exciting!
And then I discovered the forum...
It was unbelievable...
I was an outsider still but I felt the attraction right away. Of course it was great to get feedback on the outfits. Of course it was great to get an advice on keep or return purchases...but most of all this form felt so warm, friendly and welcoming. Just reading through posts (I was still a lurker in the first couple of weeks) I could feel real friendship between some of the members - and they spanned the globe! This all was so cool and fascinating that I was able to overcome my shyness pretty quickly and began to participate. Right away I felt a warm welcome from Angie and forum members, it was very encouraging and led to posting my first WIW and K|R posts - and the rest is history.
So here I am 2 years later and this forum is still a pretty big part of my life. I have been to several gatherings and met quite a few forum members in Canada and US. That was really an ultimate YLF experience: meet people for the first time and feel like you know them for ages, feel completely comfortable in their company. It is amazing how one can open up with problems, thoughts, ideas and find support here - maybe more so that in our "real" life. This is a truly unique online community and it takes a warm heart and energy of Angie and technical brilliance and hard work from Greg to keep it growing and thriving. Thank you so much - you truly enriched my life for the past 2 years!
I am posting some pictures from my 2 year YLF archives: my WIW for each half a year on YLF. I am definitely more confident in how I dress and how I look and how I feel now and I have an immense fun with fashion! I have not realized myself this difference in my style until I looked at these pictures together...
I guess I am rambling here and maybe not making a lot of sense but I just wanted to celebrate my anniversary with my YLF friends.

This post is also published in the youlookfab forum. You can read and reply to it in either place. All replies will appear in both places.


  • Tanya replied 12 years ago

    Congratulations on your YLF anniversary Sveta! This was a really touching post to read. I think that YLF is very lucky to have you here. Your outfit evolution is amazing, all of them are great, but the most recent ones are stunning.

  • replied 12 years ago

    Oh Sveta, what a beautiful post! I could hardly read the end for the tears in my eyes. I feel much the same way, despite not having reached veteran status yet. In fact, I kind of dress like your *before* pictures; maybe there's hope for me yet! I loved seeing a fast forward of your style evolution to date. You are one fab dresser, woman, and online pal!

  • Sarah A replied 12 years ago

    I am still in the first 6 months of YLF discovery, I found your outfits and description of your style evolution so interesting. Spot on about a warm welcoming community, your post makes me smile!

  • Makrame replied 12 years ago

    Great post, Sveta, and I always like to see your pictures - such a great retrospective of WIWs in this post, too!

  • Amy replied 12 years ago

    Oh, Sveta! What a wonderful post! I don't think I saw your first pictures here, but while you looked nice then, you look spectacular now. You are one of my biggest style inspirations here and I'm so glad you're part of this community :)

  • MNsara replied 12 years ago

    Wonderful musings -- thank you for sharing your thoughts and the photos! I love seeing the early stages of your style journey again. It's clear that you've continued to hone in on your style persona over the years :-)

    I've also had the pleasure of meeting you IRL -- and you have such a warm and gentle spirit :-) It was a delight to be your Chicago hotel roomate!

    Happy anniversary -- and here's to many more!!

  • Sveta replied 12 years ago

    Tanya, you were one of the welcoming YLF old-timers for me! :-)
    Claire, I was shocked to realize you are not a veteran yet - I could have sworn you are on the forum for ages!
    Sarah A.. 6 month is a good milestone on YLF, I felt like miles away from where I started after half a year...:-)
    Makrame - thanks!
    Amy, yeah, you were not around to see my first WIW struggles :-) I am really honored if I ever inspired you.
    MNSara, that was fun, wasn't it? You were a wonderful roommate and back-view-in -new-pants assessor :-)

  • Parsley replied 12 years ago

    Congratulations, Sveta, on two years here!
    You are a wonderful asset and valued member of the forum.
    It's great to see the pictures showing your style evolution. While you were nicely dressed before, you have developed a wonderfully bold and dramatic signature style.
    I always enjoy seeing your WIWs.
    Happy 2 year anniversary!

  • Patty replied 12 years ago

    Happy anniversary Sveta--you rock star you!!
    And hi to your seamstress mom who's done you so well in her alterations!!!

  • velvetychocolate replied 12 years ago

    What a great post - and thank you for sharing those photos. You look FAB. I always thought you were (and are) one of the most forward-thinking and brave YLF'ers when it comes to trying new things. I've really enjoyed your posts because you aren't afraid to try new things, and you've also been quite forthright about your concerns about each new piece/outfit.

    This kind of thing has been very helpful! You're someone who just goes ahead and tries something, and isn't afraid to say, "Is this too long or too short? Should I get rid of the belt?" or what have you. The neat thing is that you just jump right on in, and somehow manage to make the new thing work beautifully. I seem to recall that you were one of the first to jump on the midi-dress bandwagon, and they looked amazing on you. Kudos to you for saying, "I'm going to try it..." and then working out the details.

    Not only are you on Team Wear, you're also one of the very first to try something new. I can't tell you how many times Angie has posted something 'new-ish' on the blog and I've been unsure, but then you go and get the thing/idea and it looks *amazing*.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you when you get a chance, and I still remember the trek to NAS last year, and all those boxes! I'm still smiling at that one :) Do you think they'll remember you if you do something like that again this July?

  • velvetychocolate replied 12 years ago

    And just because it was *so much fun* last year (for all of us) when you went off to NAS, I went looking through your older posts and here's a picture you posted of one of the giant boxes awaiting you. Probably containing the 24 pairs of shoes to try on (no clothes yet).

    Only a YLF'er would do this.


  • ManidipaM replied 12 years ago

    Cheers, Sveta!

    You are such a stylish lady, even in your earliest WIWs --- I especially love the skirt and dress outfits from that first collage of photos. They still look great!

  • Lyn D. replied 12 years ago

    A STUNNING journey so far!!

  • Beth Ann replied 12 years ago

    Happy YLF anniversary to a most stylish and warm lady!

  • AJ replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, I remember when you first arrived on YLF. It's been so fun watching your style journey unfold, especially with the help of your talented mother!

    Luv how you progressively add pattern and color to your outfits but the overall feel is polished with clean lines.

    Congrats on your 2 year anniversary!

  • christieanne replied 12 years ago

    What a lovely post and tribute to YLF. You have such a distinct, bold and chic style and seem to make so many trends and variations work for you. It's always inspiring to see your WIW posts and now to view your evolution is just incredible. Happy Anniversary!

  • Kate replied 12 years ago

    Happy anniversary, Sveta. You have been one of my biggest style inspirations here on the forum and I always look forward to your posts.

  • cheryl replied 12 years ago

    Happy Anniversary! You look like a fashion model in your pics! Just gorgeous :)

  • Vix replied 12 years ago

    Hi Sveta --

    I never thought you gave yourself enough credit for how good you looked before -- and think you've only gotten better with time!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, responses, and photos with us along the way. I agree with many above that you early adopters of trends are fun to see in action; I so enjoy seeing how you make things "yours."

  • Jaime replied 12 years ago

    You said it all beautifully, but your pictures - WOW. Fine to Super FAB!

  • Kirti replied 12 years ago

    Aww Sveta! I think even your first few WIWs are nice, so YLF just brought out your inner fashionista :-) congrats on a stylish two years, I am sure you will have many more. I hope I will evolve as much as all of you, stylewise!

  • anne replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, I too have enjoyed your looks right from the beginning. It has been great seeing you get more adventurous as well. As someone who shares a little of your body type, you are one I watch out for - as an early adopter you pave the way!

  • Kiwichik replied 12 years ago

    Thanks so much for sharing this - there are so many things that you said ant this forum that echo my thoughts and I love that you have posted those photos that show your style journey on this forum.

  • lyn67 replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, I know everything what you have written about! This is such a good place to be and belong to! I'm, too, so so grateful I found this site and forum...
    And, may I say that 2 years made a big change in your style and confidence??? It's not only about clothes, but the pose and smile-too! Congrats on achieving that and having fun with fashion at 40! (me, too-never tought this can be true, but experrience it daily after joining YLF!:-))

  • harmonica replied 12 years ago

    Congratulations, Sveta! Such a nice journey and thank you for sharing your thoughts and photos. I'm still new here, member for just a couple of months, and your style journey is inspiring and recognizable :-)

  • teeandcee replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, I don't know what you looked like before, but if I saw you today in any of those fabulicious outfits I'd assume you were one of the lucky people who had an incredible and instinctive fashion sense.

    Everything you said regarding your fashion discoveries here resonated with me. I feel the same way. Happy anniversary!

  • nancylee replied 12 years ago

    Congratulations on your 2-year anniversary, Sveta! Your outfit posts here are fabulous. You can pull off such a variety of looks, from casual to dressy feminine, and you always look polished, colorful, and lovely. :)

  • Jjsloane replied 12 years ago

    Happy Anniversary and thank you for a wonderfully thought out post. It puts into words a lot of my own thoughts about YLF. I always look forward to your WIW posts and love your confidence and style. Cheers to many more years!

  • Laura replied 12 years ago

    Two years!! Congrats, Sveta, you have been such a warm and wonderful presence on the forum and your outfit evolution is amazing. Here's to another happy YLF year ahead!

  • Suz replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, what a lovely post, and every word of it true. And the visual evidence of your transformation is so exciting to see. I love this!! You have truly blossomed in your time here. Happy anniversary and many happy returns!! We all benefit from your brilliant fashion sense so much here.

  • Meredith1953 replied 12 years ago

    Happy second YLF anniversary! I really enjoy reading your posts and this is a lovely tribute to the warmth and spirit of YLF and its' members and wonderful leaders.

  • Sona replied 12 years ago

    Wonderful post: really enjoyed reading what this journey has meant for you.The pictures are a treat as well! Isn't it interesting as to how much of a nurturing place this board is. When I first joined the board nine months ago I remember being very drawn to your wiw posts ( as I still am) along with Aida's. And thinking I want to be like these two!!

    Congratulations on your two year anniversary!

  • marianna replied 12 years ago

    This is wonderful, Sveta! Great post and I resonate with all of it. And your pictures are SO compelling -- what a transformation! You always had great style but you can definitely see that you've become more comfortable in taking risks and being bold with fashion! Love that.

  • missvee replied 12 years ago

    What a super post! Looking at the earlier pics, you really have come a long way in your style journey. You always had a good sense of what silhouettes suit you but now you seem so confident in your choices. I think your haircut has complemented the transformation - it's so clean and sharp and simple, it just works with the modern edgy vibe that you've developed. Thanks for posting!

  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    What a fabulous post Sveta! It is so heartwarming to hear how much YLF means to you - but do remember you give as well as receive! This forum wouldn't be the same without YOU and your contributions and we thank you for that. It's interesting to see your past pics and see your fabulous style grow with your confidence. YOU LOOK FAB!!!

  • Lisa replied 12 years ago

    Congrats on your two years! That's wonderful! It's been a lot of fun watching your style grow and evolve overtime. I always enjoy your outfit posts and feedback. You are fab!

  • Jonesy replied 12 years ago

    I loved reading this heartfelt, wonderful post, Sveta! You have really captured your changes over the past few years--I can relate so much because I think we joined at approximately the same time. You have made such a dramatic style transformation!!

  • Jenava replied 12 years ago

    I remember when you began posting - in your doorway, I think. And, I remember your closet purges. And, I remember when you started getting new things and how you just seemed to blossom and transform; every post became more sophisticated than the last. Now you are a style icon and your passion and love of clothes is clear.

  • catgirl replied 12 years ago

    Sveta, what a fab post! You are an inspiration to me always, not just for your style but for your willingness to try new things and experiment. Love your sentiments here.

  • Sveta replied 12 years ago

    Thank you all for sharing my YLF journey with me. It was a blast and in a big part because of all of you! I am sorry I did not reply earlier but we had an emergency at work yesterday so no Internet time for me then and in the evening I was too exhausted. I thank you all for lovely comments!
    What really surprised me that some of you called me an early trend adopter: I never considered myself this way. I do like to try new things because I get easily bored though and I guess I would rather take risk to try something new than to be bored :-)
    VC, that NAS was hilarious but I feel good about it: I had good results because I did a homework and was prepared. Will they remember me? I am afraid they will because I created quite a stir with 2 huge boxes. But Hey, it is not my fault they do not stock all shoes in my size in the store, right?:-)

  • Angie replied 12 years ago

    How did I miss this post! My eyes welled up - but they were happy tears. WOW. I am touched.

    Sveta, it's people like you that enrich this community by a billion percent. Your passion, motivation, hard work, open mind, sense of humour, confidence and verve are nothing short of spectacular. You really reap the rewards of attaining a killer style that works for you in every way. Not to mention your spirited NAS adventures that have all on the edge of our seats!

    I've had the pleasure of meeting you and that was the cherry on top. You are so earnest, wonderful, warm and lovely. Thank YOU for rocking YLF. xoxo

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